Analyze: This picture references contrast, one of the principles of design, because of how it uses both dark and light shades to help it come together as a piece of art. The ball was placed in the center of the portrait with a light glowing and shining above the right side of it. The picture also has a shadowy background with the exception of the table, that the ball is placed upon. This picture is a based upon an original work. This work has a very calm and ambient style, that is very unique when it comes to artworks.
Interpretation: This picture can mean many things depending on the point of view of the observer. This piece of art can just be a representation of how colors and shades work. On the other hand, this piece of art can be a meaning of something else, it could be a perception of darkness versus light. This picture is very well known by it's simple drawing of a ball. Overall, this picture's meaning depends on that of the viewer and his or her opinion on the artwork.
Judgement: Personally, I feel like I could have blended the shades together more efficiently. I also feel that I could have made my sphere smaller, along with it's shadow. On the other hand, I feel very confident about my spacing, making the orb look as if it was a distance away or close towards the viewers perception. I also see that I did well when it came to measurement of the lines and angles of the sphere. It is not my favorite work of art, but it definitely is not my least loved.
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